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Razor Spool 30m Azul
  • Razor Spool 30m Azul

Razor Spool 30m Azul

37,19 €
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Razor Spool 30m

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Con esta compra, podrás ganar 4 puntos de fidelidad. Tu carrito sumará 14 puntos que se pueden convertir en un vale de descuento de 2,80 €.


Razor Spool 30m

Our aluminum safety-spools don't only differ in color from others - their shape offers a couple of advantages for divers using them too!
The extra wide edge makes it easier to use the spool, especially in colder water with gloves. Holes
along the edge give extra space to fix the end of the line through the spool and attach the double
ender to secure it.
Ordinary spools only offer holes along the side which are quite often blocked by the line wrapped on the spool and make it kind of hard to get the end through or find enough space to clip the double ender. On top of that the end of the line was reinforced with black plastic which makes
it easier to find it and gives better control.

  • Lenght: 30m
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