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Hollis SMS 75 Sidemount
  • Hollis SMS 75 Sidemount
  • Hollis SMS 75 Sidemount

Hollis SMS 75 Sidemount

643,49 $
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Hollis SMS 75 Sidemount


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Hollis SMS 75 Sidemount

Hollis SMS 75 Sidemount

Hollis SMS 75 Sidemount

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* Campos obligatorios


Con esta compra, podrás ganar 58 puntos de fidelidad. Tu carrito sumará 58 puntos que se pueden convertir en un vale de descuento de 12,70 $.


Hollis SMS 75 Sidemount

The SMS75 is an evolution from years of sidemount development, which started with the SMS100. A product that has been copied, modified and a benchmark for technical sidemount for years.

Even more popular has been the lightweight SMS50 line. These two have taken sidemount mainstream and the building blocks this new harness. While it will cater more to hardcore cave divers, SMS75 was created to handle all environments. Proper trim is key and the wing is designed to promote horizontal diving with increased lift towards the hips where it’s needed most, and without modification.

Suitable for sidemount and backmount.

The SMS75 will also support rear mounted tanks and reversible inflator positions.


  • Wing capacity 40 lbs. / 17,5 liters
  • Weight: 3,18kg
  • Cordura 1000 denier
  • Trapezoid shape to promote horizontal trim
  • Adjustable and removable wing bungee
  • Designed for cave or open water sidemount
  • Cam slots for single tank and grommets at 11” for banded doubles
  • Reversible Inflator & Dump assembly
  • Rigging kit included: Tank bungees, SS Cam bands, SS Bolt snaps & nylon line
  • Includes sternum strap & crotch strap
  • Inner located elbow to avoid overhead interference


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